Dear Saints,
We rejoice together for the commencement of Drive-in Service!!
We look forward to seeing you and your families at the Bluff Eco-Park every Sunday morning as we gather to lift up the name of Jesus!
Here are some Church in the Park regulations:
1. Any amount of people per vehicle, subject to vehicle capacity.
2. Face masks are compulsory upon entering and social distancing rules apply.
3. You may stand outside your vehicle during praise and worship if and only while wearing a face mask.
4. You are required to fill in the details of each individual in the vehicle before exiting by filling in the form handed to you at screening by the boom gate.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question 1. What must I bring to the Church service?
Answer: Please bring your Face mask, Bible, Notebook, Pen and Praises!
Question 2. Can we have more than 3 people per vehicle?
Answer: Yes, subject to vehicle capacity.
Question 3. Can I come in my convertible?
Answer: You may attend service in your convertible.
Question 4. Can I come if I have a cold or flu but stay in my car?
Answer: We request you please remain at home and livestream the service on Facebook or YouTube.
Question 5. Can I get out the car and quickly greet my friends?
Answer: We request you refrain from leaving your vehicle.
Question 6. Can I get out my vehicle and participate in Praise and Worship?
Answer: Yes you may.
Question 7. Can I give my offering at the Drive-in Service?
Answer: You may sow your seed Cash, via EFT, Zapper and PayPal.
Question 8. Can I sit in the back of my van like I am at a Drive-In movie?
Answer: You may sit in the back of your van.
Question 9. Can I use the ablutions during service?
Answer: Public restrooms will be open for emergencies and set according to the Covid-19 regulations. We ask you to please avoid the use of any public area at the Bluff Eco-Park and DCC Bluff.
Question 10. Will service still be streamed online?
Answer: Yes, the service will be livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube.
We are absolutely elated that we can gather together again!
We love and appreciate each and every one of you dearly and are grateful for your commitment, faithful prayer, serving, generous giving, and for supporting our Online services. Thank you for reaching out and caring for one another - we’re so proud of your beautiful example in Christ Jesus.
Remember, this too shall pass!
Much love and Stay safe,
Apostle Johny & Patricia Grobler