School of the Spirit is an accredited course that we host free of charge and is designed for all believers, whether you have just started out or whether you are a seasoned Christian, you are sure to enjoy and benefit from the rich word of God!
These lectures take place every Tuesday from 7 - 9pm at the Bluff, Wentworth and Fynnlands churches and takes 8 consecutive weeks to complete the foundational course and a total of 32 consecutive weeks to complete. Notes are optional and may be purchased at a small cost. we encourage you to Set your heart on the Path to Maturity and success by progressing through our REAP Course!
REAP, is a discipleship based stream, designed to produce fruit and lasting success in the life of every believer, by establishing firm faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
As a new disciple of Jesus, it is important to lay a solid foundation for your continued walk with
the Lord, establishing you to fulfil; the purposes and plans that He has for your life.
Establish Courses Consists of:
1. Walking In His Footsteps
2. God Encounters
3. Marriage Encounters
4. New Creation Realities
5. Prevailing Word
6. Overcoming Faith
7. Dressed for Battle
Here we begin to emphasise the important role that each believer
plays in the Body of Christ and the function that best suits you. Through a series of seminars, we
enable believers to be activated into their various giftings and callings to serve others in
the church, our city and nation.
Activate Courses Consists Of:
1. Defining Moments
2. Signs and Wonders
3. Fishers Of Men
4. A Call for Leadership
Once activated, each believer becomes like a green olive tree, planted and ready to bear
much fruit for the Kingdom. A further series of seminars helps to mature believers so that they are able to assist in planting LifeGroups, developing different ministries and even pioneering churches. In this way, we believe
that we are able to reach our neighbourhoods, city, nation and the countries of the world with
the love of Jesus to fulfil the Antioch mandate upon DCC.
Plant Consists of :
The Lifegroup Ministry
Worship Ministry
Lay Pastoral Team
Childrens Ministry
Media Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Youth Ministry
Eph. 4:13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be the children, tossed to and from and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men...​