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Water baptism is a celebration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Just as the symbols of the wedding and wedding ring are a declaration of a marriage covenant, water baptism is the outward declaration of the covenant you’ve made with God. We have baptisms every Sunday after the morning services at each campus.


At the conclusion of the service, make your way to the alpha room with your:


  1. Black clothes 

  2. Towel

  3. (If you forget either, don’t worry we have garments and towels ready for you)


Baptism is the public announcement of your private expression of faith. So, be sure to invite your friends and family! 


For any further info, please call our office.

 55 Grays Inn Road, Bluff, Durban, KZN 4052 |  

+27 (031) 467-0457

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